Soft-serve ice-cream recipe

Raspberry soft-serve ice-cream recipe

Raspberry soft-serve ice-cream

We made a video with the recipe of strawberry soft-serve ice-cream.

You can see it on our YouTube channel

Or below:

Strawberry soft-serve ice-cream

The video is in French but we will update it soon !


You can also download the recipe for

Raspberry soft-serve ice-cream

Just click here.


Do not hesitate in contacting us !

Renting soft-serve ice-cream machine Aberdeen

Renting soft-serve ice-cream machine Aberdeen

How can you rent a soft-serve ice-cream machine in Aberdeen?

Where can you rent an ice-cream machine in Aberdeen?

You are quite lucky.

Renting a soft-serve ice-cream machine in Aberdeen is really simple. We have a phone number dedicated to the rent of soft-serve ice-cream machines: +33 471 504 740

We also have a website dedicated to this. Do not hesitate in contacting us for a cost estimate and to order your machine : just click here or fill in the contact form at the end of this page.


Which model do you need to choose?

We can talk about it. There are several conditions to take into account:

  • your location
  • your activity
  • how much do you plan selling

Just contact us, and we will find the appropriate machine for your needs.



    What is the profitability of my soft-serve ice-cream machine?

    Soft-serve ice-cream machine VS savings account

    A little bit of humour


    You have some money at the bank, a safe bet !!!

    Here’s the bank simulator. You deposit your 5200€ for 10 years.

    You earned 401,68€

    Making 50 ice-creams a day, I’m not talking about thousands of ice-creams, but just 50 (it’s a rainy day, there’s almost snow; there’s a pandemic of mortal flu…)

    You make 50 ice-creams sold 2,50€. It makes a turnover of 125€. Subtract the product and the cones = 10€ of product, it makes a benefit of 115€.

    401.68/115 € = 3.49 days. You need 3 days and a half to earn the same amount that the bank gives you in 10 years.

    Don’t loose your money by keeping it at the bank.

    Invest in a machine that is going to change your life.


    We have participated in some fairs as retail traders to sell ice-creams with our soft-serve ice-cream machines.

    If you want, you can contact us to have the receipts of the turnover we made these days, and you will see how much you can earn if you invest in a soft-serve ice-cream machine.


    Do not hesitate contacting us !

      Renting soft-serve ice-cream machine Edinburgh

      Renting soft-serve ice-cream machine Edinburgh

      How can you rent a soft-serve ice-cream machine in Edinburgh ?

      Where can you rent an ice-cream machine in Edinburgh ?

      You are quite lucky.

      Renting a soft-serve ice-cream machine in Edinburgh is really simple. We have a phone number dedicated to the rent of soft-serve ice-cream machines: +33 471 504 740

      We also have a website dedicated to this. Do not hesitate in contacting us for a cost estimate and to order your machine : just click here or fill in the contact form at the end of this page.


      Which model do you need to choose?

      We can talk about it. There are several conditions to take into account:

      • your location
      • your activity
      • how much do you plan selling

      Just contact us, and we will find the appropriate machine for your needs.



        How to use my soft-serve ice-cream machine?

        Good morning, I’m Fabien from the SARL Gris, French manufacturer of ice-cream machines.

        I will explain you the start-up of the soft-serve ice-cream machine.

        Soft-serve ice-cream machine


        At the top, there are two reservoirs. Here, there are two 6 litres tanks.  In there, there is a little float. This little float allows you to know if there is mixture inside or not.

        You can see small lights: red and green.  If you raise the float of your soft-serve ice-cream machine, it turns green.

        As soon as there’s no more mixture in the machine, it turns red.

        When using the machine, the green light must always be switched on.  If the red switches on, you need to turn off the machine and add mixture inside.

        The machine works with two tanks.  It means that, if you don’t have mixture anymore in one tank, let’s say you don’t have vanilla, you have two solutions: put mixture again, or turn off the machine.  But you can’t use only one tank at a time.

        For some evening, if there’s still one hour of work, you put mixture, or you turn off the machine. Otherwise, you risk breaking the motor or belts.

        The dashboard

        The dashboard is really simple.  We have the temperature of the tanks of your soft-serve ice-cream machine, so here, in the room, it’s really cold, it’s 14°.

        There, we have a meter. It’s written: every time you push the black button, it adds 1 to the meter.  But it’s more visible with these little spotlights.

        And there we can see a percentage, it’s the ice-cream process, the production of soft-serve ice-cream.

        Here, it’s production, and there, a button to clean.  Here, we have a button for standby and set, and there, the button preservation of the soft-serve ice-cream mixture.


        Preservation: it’s to keep the mixture in a cool place, in the trays at the top, in the cold. It should be settled on 4 degrees. I push on the button for 4 seconds and then I release.  Now, it’s settled on 3°. I can put it higher or lower. I save by pushing on production and cleaning.  You should not touch this because it’s the factory setting of your soft-serve ice-cream machine.


        There, I have a production button. When I put the mixture in the soft-serve ice-cream machine, I press production and then preservation. And that’s it.

        When I’m going to clean the machine, I press on the cleaning button. It makes the motors and whisks of your soft-serve ice-cream machine work without producing cold.

        So I put the mixture on the machine, I’m going to push on production and preservation.

        Here, the spotlight is going to turn on, and when the ice-cream will be ready, the soft-serve ice-cream machine will enter into standby.  So it will turn off, and the spotlight is going to turn on. After 4 minutes, it will turn off and come back on production, and again and again all day.

        When there’s mixture in the soft-serve ice-cream machine, the preservation button must always by turned on. Preservation, it allows to preserve.  And production, it’s to make the ice-cream.

        Making ice-cream

        Now, we have three levers.  This lever corresponds to the cylinder of this tank.  This one, it’s for the tank on the right, and in the middle, it’s to mix both of them.

        What does it mean? If I have vanilla here and strawberry over there, I’ll have vanilla on this side, strawberry on the other side, and there, it’s will both of them. Mixing ice-cream is happiness, that’s what we sell.

        Below, that’s where the ice-cream goes out.  I pull the lever, and the ice-cream goes out. I release the lever, it’s not a dose. I pull the lever again, as long as I pull, the ice-cream goes out. So, I don’t forget to release it.

        Here, we have a little button. When the soft-serve ice-cream machine is on standby, and if you need to make an ice-cream, the machine doesn’t work. So you need to press this button to turn off the machine.  And it will increase the meter.


        Here, on an ice-cream machine working on 220, it shows the power and amperage it uses.  It’s a little something, not really useful, but it allows you to see the power you have. Now, we have 214. We can wonder what is going on with the electricity supplier.  We have 214 instead of 230.  The machine is going to use more amperage as if I had 230.

        So here, I have a little thing to get drops back. You’ll see, during summer, there are always a little more drops inside. It’s normal. In the end, you have ice-cream. It just needs it to melt progressively and it falls.

        So, I’m going to put mixture in the machine and turn the production mode and see what’s going on then.

        Now, the red spotlight is on, I should not turn on the machine.  I just make a test, I’m not going to make lots of ice-cream, I’m going to make one and that’s it.

        I put my mixture on the tanks, I press on production and preservation. And that’s it. There’s nothing more to do.


        Now, I’m going to add the little tubes. These ones enable to add air into the ice-cream. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be nice.

        At the beginning, it’s not a problem because we have two thirds of the mixture going into the cylinders, and one third outside.  And now, I’m going to keep this air.  So I put the little tubes.

        I made a video that you can see cliking here.  It’s in French but you can put subtitles !

        So, to remind, I put the mixture in the tanks, I press production and preservation, and I wait.

        The first cycle is going to last about 10 minutes, it depends on the machines.  There are machines on which it’s going to last 6 minutes, others 13.  It will depend on the model you have. When it’s really hot, it can last 15, or even 20 if it’s 39° for example.

        Here, you can see the temperature going down.  It’s normal. I press preservation, so the tank is beginning to cool down. We can see here that there are frost marks.  You see the marks.

        So as you can see here, I have the little percentage starting to go up.  So we are going to let it work and go up quietly.  And when it will be at 100%, the machine will stop. So, the percentage is going up. And we’ll see that once at 100%, the machine will stop.

        The start-up is simple:

        1 – I put mixture on the machine.

        2 – I press on production.

        3 – I press on preservation.

        That’s all.

        I want to make an ice-cream:

        * I press on the black button

        * I make my ice-cream

        At the end of the day, this machine is equipped of the night function. So I turn off production by pushing one time on production, and I leave this turned on.  Only preservation must be turned on all night.

        On the morning, I arrive and press production. That’s all.


        • I don’t forget that I need mixture on both tanks.
        • If the red spotlight is on, I don’t use the machine. I put mixture again, or I turn it off.
        • I check that the little tubes are opened.

        I made videos about it, make sure to see them: on our YouTube channel
        They last three minutes, but the little tubes are really important.  They will make your ice-cream looking nice, and firm.

        Thanks. Hope to see you soon.


        Renting soft-serve ice-cream machine Galway

        Renting soft-serve ice-cream machine Galway

        How can you rent a soft-serve ice-cream machine in Galway?

        Where can you rent an ice-cream machine in Galway?

        You are quite lucky.

        Renting a soft-serve ice-cream machine in Galway is really simple. We have a phone number dedicated to the rent of soft-serve ice-cream machines: +33 471 504 740

        We also have a website dedicated to this. Do not hesitate in contacting us for a cost estimate and to order your machine : just click here or fill in the contact form at the end of this page.


        Which model do you need to choose?

        We can talk about it. There are several conditions to take into account:

        • your location
        • your activity
        • how much do you plan selling

        Just contact us, and we will find the appropriate machine for your needs.



          Several brands and origins of the soft-serve ice-cream machines

          There is a lot of brands for soft-serve ice-creams machines. Maybe you saw it by taking a look on the Internet.

          The origin of these machines isn’t always indicated, and often, the owner of the machine doesn’t want to mention it.

          We will try to make a list, probably incomplete , of the main brands and to indicate where these ice-cream machines are constructed.



          (Non exhaustive list, you can give us other brands and we will search)

          Maybe some results can surprise you because some sellers highlight a “french brand”, other say that they import from Germany, but photos don’t mislead.

          Before, few years ago, we were importers of these same machines. So, we know them quite well.

          When you contact one of these sellers, ask him about the origin of the material he sells. You can also ask for a visit of the workshop.

          Furthermore, no other constructor can build you a machine on measure like we do (air vents according to the positionning of your local, little wheels on the countertop machine, possibility to choose the color of the ice-cream machine, modificable sticker…).

          We offer you more than 20 models of soft-serve ice-cream models, 1,2, or 4 flavours, with several powers to adapt to a small daily production or also to a big theme park.


          Do not hesitate contacting us

            Renting soft-serve ice-cream machine Dublin

            Renting soft-serve ice-cream machine Dublin

            How can you rent a soft-serve ice-cream machine in Dublin ?

            Where can you rent an ice-cream machine in Dublin ?

            You are quite lucky.

            Renting a soft-serve ice-cream machine in Dublin is really simple. We have a phone number dedicated to the rent of soft-serve ice-cream machines: +33 471 504 740

            For that, we also have a website dedicated to this. Do not hesitate in contacting us for a cost estimate and to order your machine : just click here or fill in the contact form at the end of this page.


            Which model do you need to choose?

            We can talk about it. There are several conditions to take into account:

            • your location
            • your activity
            • how much do you plan selling

            Just contact us, and we will find the appropriate machine for your needs.



              A soft-serve ice-cream machine: what is it?

              What is a soft-serve ice-cream machine?

              A soft-serve ice-cream machine makes ice-cream on demand.
              Soft-serve ice-cream is served at -12°, so, it is softer than the traditional French ice-cream (served at -18°).

              The only soft-serve ice-cream machine made in France

              That’s why we call this machine : soft-serve ice-cream machine.

              But the only thing that matters is that it’s the favourite dessert of people around the world and that one can’t make it at home directly !

              England, Ireland, Scotland, Australia, South Africa, Kenya, Canada… Every where around the world.

              Soft-serve ice-cream machines

              The advantage of the soft-serve ice-cream machine is that, on less than 1m², we can make ice-cream as much as we want, without needing huge freezers to store the ice-cream.

              I’m going to tell you a secret: when you doubt, when you hesitate about the profitability of the soft-serve ice-cream machine… Have a seat and ask you the following question.

              Would the big fast-food restaurants (McDonald’s, Quick, Burger King…) waste 1m² of their space for something that isn’t worth it ?


              Contact me, by phone or e-mail, as you want. I don’t guarantee you to earn 1 billion, but tens thousand, I do !

              Fabien Gris: +33 471 504 740

              Gris, the only French constructor of soft-serve ice-cream machines


                Offer soft-serve ice-creams with no lactose

                To differenciate yourself from your competitors

                Offer an ice-cream with no lactose

                This is really simple. You can offer soft-serve ice-cream made with plant milk.

                Here are the few steps to success:

                1. Replace animal milk with plant milk (coconut, soya, almond, rice…)
                2. Substitute cream (crème fraiche) for vegan cream such as coconut cream, soya, rice or almond cream.
                3. Use a soya yoghurt instead of the traditional one.


                Vegan ice creams

                You will increase the number of clients you have : offering a vegan range of products will attract vegan people !
